Geographical Factors Affecting Food Habits

While irrigation, land development and other modern cultivation techniques are used to enhance existing geographical factors, local food habits are still largely influenced by regional resources. Our ancestors cultivated their crops according to local, natural resources, which greatly affected their eating habits. We tend to carry on the traditions that were passed down through generations, and that tradition, along with growing awareness of the fragility and importance of our natural environment, continues to influence food habits around the world.

Alpha Lipoic Acid as a Nootropic

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a fatty acid molecule with antioxidant activity and roles in cellular function. As a nootropic, ALA is used to promote brain health and boost cellular energy, and may work to:

Lipoic acid, better known as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant fatty acid molecule found in every cell of the human body.  ALA helps the function of enzymes present in the mitochondria—the structures which generate much of a cell’s energy. Moreover, ALA is known for being a powerful, “un

Nootropics for Short-Term Memory - Quick, Accurate Recall for Peak Cognition

Short-term memory (also called active memory) can hold a small amount of information in a readily available state for a brief period of time. Nootropics for short-term memory can enhance this cognitive function in several ways.

This guide covers how natural nootropics for short-term memory support a key cognitive function for success in many areas of life that is used all day, every day, in nearly every situation.

Memory plays a monumental role in human perception. Indelibly tied to learning a

Nootropics for Focus - Stay Focused Naturally for Cleaner, Clearer Thinking | ®

With the world available at the touch of your phone, with posters and advertisements plastered on every street corner, with the increasing omnipresence of social, our abilities to focus and pay attention are understandably strained. Concentration is key to mental performance and cognitive wellbeing. And so, naturally, it’s the individual who can filter the increasing distractions of the modern world who succeeds.

Many turn to synthetic stimulants and energy boosters to enhance focus, but many o

Medicinal Music: An Anatomy of Music in the Healing Arts - ProQuest

Sound and music have been an important part of the human experience as far back as our
historical records reach, and cultures all around the world have used aural modalities to heal and communicate for many thousands of years. Current medical evidence and scientific measurements suggest that music and sound are some of the most effective instruments that can be used to facilitate patient recovery from surgery, trauma, and disease.

Music Therapy: Understanding the Science of Sound

Music Therapy is a fast-growing field in the healing arts. As medical and therapeutic communities continue to explore integral approaches to healthcare and individuals begin to accept responsibility for their role in their own healing process, we gain a better understanding of the amazing resilience (and sensitivity) of our minds and bodies. Supplemental treatments can effectively support, and sometimes even replace, traditional medical treatments and psychological therapies, while holistic and

Marijuana in the NFL

While highly addictive and dangerous narcotic and opiate drugs are regularly prescribed to athletes to control pain, sports organizations have blocked players from using cannabis to ease symptoms of major injuries like fractures, torn ligaments, broken bones, and brain trauma. But, in the words of Bob Dylan, “the times they are a changin’.” As marijuana gains credibility as an effective and safe medical intervention, sports teams’ policies on players’ marijuana use can be expected to follow suit and become less stringent in the future.

power of music: Pioneering discoveries in the new science of song The music instinct: Science & song | Music Therapy Perspectives | Oxford Academic

The review considers both The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song and The Music Instinct: Science & Song simultaneously, as they can serve as companion resources for music therapists interested in music and the neurosciences.

In The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song, author Elena Mannes explores current breakthroughs in music research in conjunction with neuroscience, physics, astronomy, and music performance to reveal how science ca

From Neanderthal to neuroscience: healing with sound and voice

Sound and music have been an important part of the human experience as far back as our historical records reach, and cultures all around the world have used aural modalities to heal and communicate for many thousands of years. Current medical and scientific research suggests that music and sound are some of the most effective instruments that can be used to facilitate patient recovery from surgery, trauma, and disease. This article discusses how ancient beliefs and practices concerning music and

Raspberry Ketones for Fat Loss

Raspberry ketones are claimed to promote fat loss, but research evidence is lacking.

Raspberry ketones are compounds found in raspberries that can also be made synthetically. Animal and test tube research suggests that they may potentially aid weight loss through:

Raspberry ketones are concentrated derivatives of the chemical that gives raspberries their distinctive aroma, and are commonly used as a food additive to enhance color, flavor, and scent. Despite the name, ketones are also found i

Kava Kava as a Nootropic

Psychoactive Polynesian herb Kava Kava may help ease anxiety, improve mood and support overall cognitive function.

Kava kava is a plant found in the Pacific Islands that has been used to brew a traditional Polynesian psychoactive drink. As a nootropic, kava may help to:

Piper methysticum also known as kava kava or simply kava, is a plant native to the Pacific Islands that has been a vital part of Polynesian culture for hundreds of years, where it is used to create a psychoactive beverage that

Uridine as a Nootropic

Key component to RNA may help build new neural connections and enhance overall cognition.

Uridine facilitates communication between cells to improve brain function. An important link in the RNA chain, Uridine is a basic building block of all biological functions and living organisms. Uridine’s effectiveness is enhanced when it converts into choline, which then synthesizes to neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Some of Uridine’s possible cognitive benefits include:

Uridine is one of four repe

Phenibut as a Nootropic

This GABA-derived synthetic may inhibit stress for less anxiety and more sleep.

Phenibut is a neuropsychotropic drug with anxiolytic, sedative, and nootropic properties. Phenibut works by stimulating the release of dopamine and suppressing β-phenylethylamine (PEA), and mimicking the nootropic GABA by binding to GABA-b and GABA-a receptors. Phenibut may help with anxiety, depression, cognitive disorders, insomnia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by:

Created by neuroscientists at the He

Picamilon as a Nootropic

Lab-derived combination of GABA & Niacin may help with Anxiety, Mood, Sleep and Focus.

Picamilon, also called pycamilon or pikamilon, is a synthetic nootropic created by Russian scientists using a combination of lab-replicated GABA and niacin (N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid). Combined, these nootropics’ bio-effects include:

Picamilon was created at the All-Union Vitamins Scientific Research Institute in the Soviet Union in 1969 by synthetically merging GABA with Nicotinic Acid (NA). GABA

Binaural Beats for Focus, Studying & Relaxation - and Nootropics that Help

What if boosting your brain could be as simple as popping on a pair of headphones?

With brainwave-modulating binaural beats pumping into your ears, you can do just that. Better still, you can customize binaural beats’ cognitive effects by listening different sound frequencies for different mindstates.

As impressive as binaural beats are on their own for influencing the mind, they get may get better when you stack them with nootropics. In the right combinations, binaural beats + nootropics appe
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